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Personal Choice Reading

Personal Choice Reading  

Personal Choice Reading is to be completed each week.  Sixth graders must read a minimum of 65 pages; seventh graders must read a minimum of 70 pages; and eighth graders must read a minimum of 75 pages.  Each Monday I will check students' reading logs for the number of pages read, a short summary, and a parent signature.  This check will be part of the Personal Choice Reading grade each marking period.

Students are given twelve minutes each day to read prior to reporting to the cafeteria.  Your student should be able to read between five and seven pages in a book he or she has chosen during this time each day.  This means your child should read between twenty-five and thirty-five pages in school.  The remainder of the reading is to be completed at home for homework.  It is imperative that your child bring his or her book to school and to language arts classes (both reading and writing) each day.